Ableton Live 12 Session Drums Studio v9.2 [ALP]
3.1GB | ALP | Feb 2025
Session Drums Studio features clear and vivid studio recordings of world-class acoustic drums, properly mic’ed and ready to play. The included kits cover a wide range of styles and offer deep customization capabilities.
The 6 GB of sampled drums in this Pack have been recorded with a wide range of velocities and articulations. Session Drums Studio includes:
Kicks in various sizes with felt, wood or plastic beaters, mic’ed with dynamic or condenser mics.
Snares of many sizes and materials, including maple, birch, chrome, brass and bronze, sampled with different striking area and alternating left- and right-hand hits for each velocity, as well as various snare press articulations.
Hihats in a variety of sizes played via the pedal and tip or shank of the stick. Includes samples of alternating left- and right-hand hits for each velocity. In addition, the width of the open hihat can be mapped to a mod wheel or pedal for even more dynamics and realism.
Ride cymbals featuring samples played on the bell, middle and edge of the cymbal.
Crash, splash and china cymbals.
Toms in various sizes with alternating left- and right-hand samples for each velocity, and tambourines and cowbells.
All kits load as Drum Racks with eight Macro Controls for tuning, envelope and EQ for each individual Drum Hit. Each drum in the Drum Rack also has its own channel and can therefore have its own effects and routing. The 12 MPE Kits are designed specifically to play well on MPE-enabled controllers like the new Push, where users can add extra depth and control by varying their finger position and pressure during performance.
Session Drums Studio also comes with 50 MIDI Clips in various styles and patterns played by a professional session drummer. Each Clip loads with a full drum kit and you can easily swap out the entire Drum Rack or individual drum hits to create your own custom kit.
Session Drums Studio was created in collaboration with Chocolate Audio.
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