Argo PRESETS BANK FOR OMNiSPHERE 2 [Free For Limited TIme]


31/12/2024 | PRESETS BANK FOR OMNiSPHERE 2 | 0.6 MB

Argo is a 96 patches soundbank for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 synth vst.

This soundset is a sonic journey through the myth of Argo with the famous Argonauts and their expedition to obtain the Golden Fleece.

There are 12 subgroups of patches each one with 8 of them influenced by some aspects and persons of Argo myth.

The subgroup presets list name is:

Argo – Poly Synth Category
Argonauts – Poly Synth Category
Argus – Retro Land Category
Colchis – Long Synth Category
Dodona Oaks – Long Synth Category
Golden Fleece – Poly Synth Category
Heracles – Poly Synth Category
Iolcus – Long Synth Category
Jason – Poly Synth Category
Medea – Poly Synth Category
Orpheus – Long Synth Category
Scylla and Charybdis – Retro Land Category

The main style they serve is cinematic and game audio and could also add some fresh cinematic elements to other music genres like prog rock, electronic and other.

They have 6 voice polyphony and made both with sample or synth DSP wavetables of Omnisphere 2. Please give a little attention for the sample-based presets as sometimes some minor and low in volume clicks may occur when the cycle of the performing sample(s) ends. The Modwheel adds vibrato to the sound.

Patches were created with Omnisphere 2.8 and run best with this or newer edition

Software 2.8.5f
Soundsources v2.6.1c
Patches v2.8.1c


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