FANTASTiC | 26 April 2024 | 13 KB
N-SAT EQ is a eq based saturator with built-in eq gain compensation!
This rack allows for unbiased frequency specific saturation!
By saturating the input with MATCH EQ at 100, you will effectively only hear the added harmonics from the saturation process, allowing for added richness and complexity on a signal without being affected by loudness changes!
Adjusting the MATCH EQ down to 0 will gradually reduce the EQ gain compensation!
It’s highly recommended to first see what the saturated signal sounds like with MATCH EQ on, then bring back the macro to benefit from the added loudness!
•SATURATE: Adjusts the gain into the oversampled saturator.
•FREQ: Sets the frequency cutoff of the peak EQ.
•Q: Adjusts the Q of the peak filter.
•MATCH EQ: Adjusts the amount of post-saturation EQ gain compensation!