Nirwana Power Chords Strummer For KONTAKT

Nirwana Power Chords Strummer For KONTAKT

KONTAKT | 131.65 MB

These Amped POWER CHORDS are so easy to use (and absolutely foolproof). You need only one finger, a keyboard, and NO guitar!

You can play power chords with this wonderful E-GUITAR: Jag-Stang RW Sonic Blue.

Thanks to RoundRobins it still sounds alive: 20 alternative samples per key!

Easily controllable articulations and a clever script so that the E-GUITAR performance sounds really authentic.

Here are the main features:

– NIRWANA POWER CHORDS Strummer for Kontakt
– for Kontakt 5.4.3 (48kHz/24bit) and above
– Mix-ready (The e-guitar samples are amped. You get what you hear in the demo-video.)
– clear and (super-) easy to use interface
– efficient control of the stereo width
– different properties of articulations controllable via key velocity. LOW velocity: Palm Muting power-chords; HIGH velocity: (shattered, piercing, aggressive and open) power-chords
– authentic guitar noises on the note “d” and “e”
– an inspiring and helpful composition tool and suitable for a guaranteed successful live performance
– 20 alternative samples per key!
– PastToFuture Quality Gear Chain


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