Prismatica v1.31 AMXD JSON

Prismatica v1.31 AMXD JSON

AMXD JSON | 399.78 KB

Prismatica is something a bit different.  The easiest way to describe it is an arpeggiator for audio.

The heart of Prismatica is a looper which then sends your loop to four more loopers, grouped in two pairs.  Each of these four loopers has a speed control, so you can adjust the pitch of each loop (1x is normal speed, 2x is double speed, 0.5x is half-speed, -1x is reverse, etc).  But rather than play all four of these loops at once, we have some logic within each group to determine which loop is played.  There’s a speed control and a chance control for each of these pairs of loops.  The chance dial controls the likelihood of a switch to the other loop and the speed dial controls how often this decision is made.  A speed setting of 16th notes and a chance setting of 100% means you will flicker between loops A and B every 16th note.  Set the chance down to 25% and there’s only a 1 in 4 chance that the loop will change, etc.  It maybe sounds more complicated than it really is.  I think the video will show you exactly what I mean.

There’s also a unique preset system in Prismatica.  The four loops’ speed settings are stored as presets and there’s a Seek knob that allows us to smoothly interpolate between these values, providing very interesting results.  I think there’s a lot of potential here both for sound design and just ambient exploration.

I feel this is a somewhat unique idea and I do recommend you watch the video to see exactly how it works.  I hope it brings you some inspiration.  As always, I appreciate you for even reading this far and for the past support of my other devices.  I’m a stay-at-home dad to a very cool toddler and your support is what makes this life possible for me – and I love it.

Change Log:

v1.31 – Fixed a couple of the colors of the background panels – they were inadvertently changing depending on the theme the user is using.

Video walkthrough here:


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