Real Vinyl Record IR’s Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV

Real Vinyl Record IR’s Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV

Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV| 11.34 MB

We used our 20 years experience in IR capturing technics to get this real vinyl impulse responses sound right!

We had our custom-made measuring files cut to a real Vinyl using Neumann vinyl cutting machine and sampled from the dubplate to create these amazing IR’s.

This might be the first time that someone has managed to get an amazing sounding IR of a real vinyl record.

For the 100% realism, add and layer the real vinyl sound FXs/Noise which is included in this pack!

If you want your tracks to sound like it was cut to vinyl, this is the right pack for you.

You will get 12 IR’s in this pack. Different IR’s for the different tracks placed on the vinyl. Every track position sounds a bit different than the other.

44,1 & 96 kHz Wav Files.


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