TSM 2040z v1.0.1 DECiBEL

TSM 2040z v1.0.1 WiN

DECiBEL | 29 March 2022 | 32.9 MB

Although named as such, the TSM 2040z Sub LowPass Filter is not a typical Low Pass Filter. Such filters stem from the era of the earliest polyphonic synthesizers. They were designed in parallell to the filters of the monophonic synthesizers, and in the first stages of development produced bass enhancements at high resonance frequencies. However, they lacked gain compensation.

Returning to the beginings of filters, inspired us to create a Sub LP filter.

In TSM 2040z we retained the charm of the low frequency boosting characteristics of some early polysynth filters.

Bass Boost is adjustable up to the +12dB for the selected low frequency. The boosting of sub-frequency can be adjusted within the range 40-160Hz

Signals coming through the TSM2040z Lowpass filter are boosted with sub frequency enhancement.

The Lowpass section of the filter include various modes: Brickwall (which doesn’t have a slope) and Lowpass 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36 / 48 dB/oct slope modes.

The Resonance curve changes the attenuation character of the resonance.

The Crasher can be used to add saturation or distortion as desired to the filtered sound as a filter-destruction effect.

The Limiter can be used to limit overclipping of the filtered signal keeping it warm, fat and soft.

Sub bass on the Resonance is the thing which makes it loveable.

Test the sub frequency boosting power of the TSM 2040z SLP filter for yourself.


– Well known vintage sound with modern possibilities
– Unique Boosting from the early polysynth filters
– Increasing of the Sub-Frequency at Resonance peaks


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