Using AI for Music Production Explained TUTORiAL

Using AI for Music Production Explained TUTORiAL

1 February 2025 | 280 MB

Join music production expert Larry Holcombe for an engaging, comprehensive video course on using AI for music production. If you’re curious about creating music with AI, this course is definitely for you. Larry covers many different AI sources and plugins, describing how they can be used and demonstrating how to take advantage of their AI tools in numerous ways – from creating new content (lyrics, chord progressions, etc.) or improving/rearranging existing content to replacing vocals, creating samples, and much more. By the end of this music production course, you’ll be ready to start using these AI tools and concepts in your very next production. These music production videos are designed for those new to AI for music production.

Larry welcomes you and briefly introduces some of the topics you’ll look at throughout the course, but then jumps right in, showing you how to quickly generate four different song snippets with Udio. You’ll then see ways to extend these ideas and flesh them out with other sections like intros, bridges, and more.

Next, you’ll learn how to use Udio’s Remix feature to generate new ideas from an existing track, which can then be bounced out as a stereo WAV file or individual stems or tracks. Larry then demonstrates how to use the previously created sample and generate a new beat in Logic Pro (with Serato Sample) that’s ready to send to a rapper!

There’s plenty more as well, such as writing lyrics with ChatGPT (for a track idea in Udio), generating arrangement ideas (as a learning tool or to overcome writer’s block), re-performing a hip-hop vocal (using your voice and changing the tone/character), stem separation (three different methods), tweaking synth sounds (with SynthGPT), remixing a track, composition (with the Captain Plugins suite), and more!

With this AI music production video course, you’ll discover exactly which ways AI can help you achieve your own musical vision, whatever it may be. Whether you’re just looking for help with a few lyrics or chords, or you’re looking for new ideas to inspire your next beat, you’ll find plenty to use and specific ideas for how to do so. See the individual AI music production video tutorials for more on everything that’s covered and what these tools could do for your own productions. Discover the possibilities of AI for your musical productions… Watch “Using AI for Music Production Explained®” now!

What You Will Learn:

-Using Udio to generate track ideas, flesh out existing ones, making samples, etc.

-Writing lyrics with ChapGPT.

-Compose a full track with the Captain Plugins suite.

-Re-perform a hip-hop vocal yourself and completely change the tone and character.

-And more!


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